The Blank Page

It’s said that the blank page puts a feeling of dread and horror into writers. This can be true, but only if you have a lack of ideas. I seldom do.

I tend to get asked a lot “where do you get your ideas from?” Well, what do you say? I think it’s best to tell them the truth that I don’t really know, but that’s seldom the answer they are looking for, as they don’t seem very excited when I tell them.

I consider myself fortunate in that I have many stories I want to tell, enough to keep me busy for many years – and I get ideas for new stories on a regular basis. So the problem becomes what to write first, and how to find the time to do it?

The best way I have found is to make steady progress, a little a day if that’s all you can do. It will add up! If you get a chance to go on a bit of a writing binge, that can be good, too. But doing too much at one time is hard to maintain, and I think constant progress is where it’s at, even if the word counts are lower per writing session.

This writing observation has been brought to you by the letter Y. Because.

Blog Post Streak Count: Day 3

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