Full Moon – madness

The moon last night was not full, but almost. Still, it was very lovely and bright. I was enjoying it very much!

Tonight IS the full moon…maybe that’s why things have been a bit strange today! With all the energy of Spring, there’s a lot of things happening! It’s a good time to reflect on where we want to go.

I’ve gotten back to editing my first novel, after a break from it. The editing is going well! I’m going to touch it up as much as I can before handing it over to an editor. I’m having fun doing it, so that makes it easier!

Also, I’m working on some live video for a band I met recently.

And, I wrote some more scenes for my new movie coming up, that I want to film this Fall (and, had a great meeting with musicians/actors for it this past weekend!).

So,  a creative day!

I hope you enjoy the full moon and keep safe.