Happy Halloween!

Here’s hoping tonight will be better than last year at this time, as no trick or treaters came to the door! That’s right, due to fear (and not the fun kind), no one came to get any of the candy I had at the ready, plus my Jack-o’-lantern, decorations, and costume – Halloween was a bust!

Oh well, I got to eat the candy in due time, so it wasn’t all bad. But it was sad to see the empty streets devoid of costumes around here, and that such a fun tradition had been cancelled (who would have imagined such a thing possible?) Talk about a “nightmare before Christmas”!

I think tonight will be different. I’m seeing more decorations outside houses than before, and also I think the world is a bit less paranoid. We’ll see. Won’t be long now, maybe 1.5 hours until dark here. I’m ready with candy, I’ve carved my pumpkin into a suitable Jack-o’-lantern, and the decorations are strewn about. I’ve even got a scary mask (a purely Halloween mask, nothing “medical” about it!) at the ready!

Wishing you a Happy Halloween!



Ended up getting about 10 trick or treaters showing up (plus one who ran away at the sight of the glowing skull in the window!), so that’s progress. Also, there were neighbourhood parties with many gathered in open garages (some converted into “haunted houses”), on front lawns, and on partially blocked-off side streets, often with a heat source going to keep warm and revelry in the night air.

Halloween has returned to these streets!

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