So, I’ve had my first novel out for about a year now (Brainjob), and am now working on some other novels. That first one took me several years to finish, on and off. But now, I’ve gained a lot more writing experience and discipline, so, I will have more novels finished, soon. I don’t have a problem with lack of ideas, but finding time to write them all down! Also, I want to get my already published ebooks out as paper books, so I’ve got that to do. Then, there are audio books to record. Whew! It’s endless! Good thing I enjoy it all! (Plus, I’m going to have to go and see some of the new movies that are out! There’s a Tim Burton movie “Dark Shadows”, and a Ridley Scott movie out – “Prometheus”!)
hey! i have been eager to get into writing and eabtslish a certain momentum of productivity and possibly turning it into a career for many years now. |I never had enough time, energy or motivation to truly manifest any ideas into anything tangible. im a huge perfectionist and i never had the time to be a perfectionist. i still dont have anything written down but i made a lot of money this summer and i now have the breathing space to nurture a few dreams and begin to fullfil them. im just looking for some people who could give me some positive and/or negative feed back and mabye some creative outlets in order to gain some direction. because although i have never really written much outside of school papers or journal enteries, i really think i could become a great writer. so if somebody could point me in a direction or let me know where i could start things up. i would be truely greatful. thanks.
Steps to be a writer:
1. Sit down in the seat.
2. Write.
3. Repeat.
If you want some feedback on your writing, find some readers, or other writers to give you comments (ideally, both), before you publish.
Also, reference the book Stephen King “On Writing” and Robert A. Heinlein’s Rules for Writing.