The beggar took credit cards…

(A little bit of a story, it may form part of a larger collection one day.)

It was late, well after midnight, on one of those warm summer evenings with a slight breeze, the moon out, and the crickets chirping; pretty much perfect. I couldn’t sleep, which was nothing new for me, so I went out for a coffee at the 24 hour cafe nearby, across from the beach. There was no one else home, anyway, as I lived alone, a good way to be for a wandering, insomniac writer.

I got a cup of joe and sat at one of the tables on the patio out front, enjoying the smell of the coffee mingling with the ocean air, and the moon sparkling off the waves. There were others out enjoying the night: some on the beach, some on bikes, a few in cars, some on the sidewalks, and some in cafes.

I looked over at the other patrons of this particular cafe, of which there were only three: one couple engrossed in each other, and some other strung-out guy staring into space. No one paid me any mind, and I liked it that way, as I could be alone with my thoughts and my loneliness, which wasn’t all bad, as I got some good story ideas that way.

I didn’t get to enjoy the nuances of the night for long, as along came a clearly homeless man, dirty-looking, and his smell preceeding him. “Oh, god,” I muttered into my cup, drinking some more delicious coffee down (I could still sleep after coffee, if I were really tired, so it didn’t phase me). He stood across from me on the sidewalk, only a flower box providing me any protection. It didn’t take long for him to utter the expected words: “Can you spare any change?”

“No, sorry, I only carry a card most of the time, these days,” I replied, sure it would defeat him and cause him to turn to his next prey.

The beggar’s deep-set eyes widened and he smiled a dirty-toothed smile. “That’s ok,” he said. “I take credit cards! All of them! Phone payments, and crypto, too!” He pulled out a mobile phone with a card reader attached.

I stared at his device, just about lost for words. “I-I…can’t, I’m sorry.” I shut my hanging mouth and drank some coffee. There was no way I was going to trust this guy with a payment from my credit card, and besides, what was a beggar doing accepting all those sorts of payments? Was he making a career out of it? That type of thing I definitely didn’t support; someone truly in need was another story. But not a guy with a setup like that, it just seemed like a good way to play on people’s sympathies and be a scammer. Maybe I was wrong, but that’s how it appeared to me.

I left the patio as the beggar worked the others, taking my coffee down to the beach. There were fewer people there, and I was nearly alone with the sound of the water. It was good to feel the slight moisture from the crashing surf. I walked slowly in the sand, trying not to get too much of it in my shoes. I looked up at the partial moon, and how its light fell on the waves.

I walked along the seawall for a long time, restless, until my coffee was gone, and the first light of dawn was starting to appear in the sky. I made my way back home, to my empty house, and wondered if I’d be able to sleep, hoping I could.

Copyright 2024 by David Sloma





The General: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Prequel (update)

The General: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Prequel

A prequel story (that is stand-alone) about the early military career of General Simpson (“The General”) is in the final editing stages now, and will be released soon, hopefully before the end of the year.

Update: Not going to make that end of 2021 date, which is why I don’t like to give dates as to when something new is going to be released. It usually takes longer than anticipated. The good news is the editing is going well and it won’t be much longer before the book is finished…In any case – Happy New Year!

Threat Display (short story)

My short story, Threat Display, has been published on Amazon for some time, but now it’s making its way to other online stores.

It’s a sci-fi story about a UFO invasion.

Amazon (Kindle edition and paperback):


Barnes and Noble:

Google Play:

Gumroad: coming soon






Also available in some public libraries, so ask your Librarian if you don’t see it listed. Can also check Overdrive listings here: and

Post-pandemic sci-fi story

I got an idea today for a post-pandemic sci-fi story that’s joyful, and it’s one of the things keeping me going right now: a vision of a better future.

I’ve written some of it at home today, where I usually write. So, not much change for me there. If there’s anything good I can take out of these Covid-19 “stay at home” times, it’s that, with any luck, I’ll be more productive with my writing having to be home more right now. If I can stay off the Internet long enough that is…(a usual battle for those who work at home, and yes I spelled Internet with a capital “I” despite what some recent word-trends would have you do; after all, the Internet is the name for a thing: the world network of computers that is public (used to be just the WWW prefix of the World Wide Web, but has grown). That’s a proper noun. /Grammar rant mode off.  If you think I’m wrong you can get off my lawn 😉

Funny how that works, that staying home and productivity ratio! Writers (and I think this is true for most who work from home) generally get more done during the cold months than the warm months. Too many things to do outside when the weather is nice, pulling away our time and attention, it seems. Then the cooler weather eventually sets in and thoughts go back to word counts rather than vacations,  warm summer nights, and days that never seem to end.

Writing about a possible future can be an important part in creating it. We’ve seen this happen again and again, but unfortunately those futures were mostly dystopias. As much as I have enjoyed such stories and movies that were very artfully done, I hoped such worlds would not come to be, and yet they largely have; I always wondered why there were not more possible futures I’d like to live in. What we choose to write is up to us, but I think it’s time we write about more uplifting possible futures than the current state of the world we are now in. Maybe then we will find we are living in a better world one day.

See my previous entry about The Prescience of Science Fiction Authors for more on this topic, and where writers get their ideas to write about the future.


Read my ebooks FREE for the next month on Scribd

Read my ebooks FREE for the next month, and a million more, on Scribd during their Read Free For 30 Days promotion in response to the Corona Virus/Covid19 pandemic, no commitment/credit card needed.

#Covid_19 #shelteringinplace #lockdown #pandemic #Read #Free #readers #Reading #CoronaCrisis #COVID19 #StayHome #stayhomechallange #scifi

Now out! Purifier: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 7

Purifier: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 7
By David Sloma

A secret breakaway military wages a clandestine war against an alien invasion.

Book 7 – Purifier, the last part in this epic science fiction story is now out!

Released: December 18, 2020

Amazon (Kindle edition and paperback):


Barnes and Noble:

Google Play:





Also available in some public libraries, so ask your Librarian if you don’t see it listed.


Update: November 8, 2020: The final editing pass on the book is happening now, after delays out of my control, and it will be published in the coming weeks, before the Christmas season with any luck! Thanks for your patience, and check back soon for the publication details. -Dave.

Update: March 1, 2020: Past the half-way point in the editing and picking up speed on it. Working hard to get the book out. I’ll make an announcement as soon as it’s available for sale so check back here for that, or also see my Twitter, and email newsletter.

Update: January 11, 2020:  Still in the editing phase, and it’s going well. But it usually takes longer than anticipated. It will be finished soon, but I’m not going to rush it. I want to ensure that you get a quality book like you’ve been waiting for. Thanks for your patience and continued support! You can check back soon for news, and sign up for my mailing list/newsletter if you want to be notified about new books.  – Dave.

David Sloma writer and filmmaker official site – home page:


My Ebooks in Public Libraries

You can now read my ebooks from a growing number of public libraries the world over!

Just check the online catalog of your local library for my titles.

If you don’t see my ebooks in the catalog, ask the librarian to order them  – my ebooks are supplied to libraries by Bibliotheca, OverDrive, and Baker & Taylor.

(Some libraries may even be able to order paperback copies of my books from Amazon or Barnes & Noble.)

Happy reading!



New Novel: “The Key to the Lock”

Dnierf Lem, a young bookstore clerk, finds a book that’s not supposed to exist. In it are clues that pull him into a mysterious scavenger hunt with big prizes and big trouble, the end of which is unknown.

But is it just someone rich playing an elaborate game? It seems so, but Dnierf isn’t so sure. Curiosity, and the lure of money and adventure, drives him forward from his mundane life, even after his life is put at risk.

He’ll find there’s much more to this than a game, with travel to exotic lands and mystical, even occult, spiritual experiences – if he can keep ahead of those trying to kill him and his new companions along the way.

Get it from: