The Abyss film is 25 this month!

Wow, was it really 25 years since the amazing film “The Abyss” came out? It must be, as this month marks its 25 anniversary!

I came across a book a while back that was written by one of the editors during the production of the film. It’s called “Life’s Abyss Then You Dive” by Joe Woo Jr. (Great title!)

I read the free sample and so far it’s a fascinating memoir (at least to a filmmaker, sci-fi fan, and somewhat film geek like me), providing a lot of on-set detail and stories about working with James Cameron. Joe has a photo gallery here:

His ebook is available here:

I also see it here: 

I’ll be reading the rest of it on Scribd with my subscription trial! I’m really liking the subscription so far. (Some of my books are on there too, if you are curious!)

And here’s a detailed blog post about the production of The Abyss:


p.s. My book “Moonbase: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 4” is a pre-order on where you can order it now!

Crickets tell the temperature

I love the sound of crickets at night, making their mating calls! I believe it’s only the males that make the sounds.

Near where I live is a large field with a lot of crickets! At night (and even at times in the day) they make a lot of what some might call “racket” but I call music to my ears.

Did you know you can tell the temperature outside by counting the frequency of the cricket’s chirps and a little math? It’s true! This is how you do it, and I’ve tried it and it works:

Here is a video I recently made of the crickets nearby at night:

Night crickets walking

There’s more on my YouTube channel:

Boi Meets Grl: a vampire story on Kindle Countdown Deal

DavidSloma_PreD090_BoiMeetsGrl_eResFINALThe Kindle edition of my book “Boi Meets Grl: a vampire story” is on a Kindle Countdown deal until September 5th, 2014 – so grab it now at a big discount!

Click here to see the ebook on

Click here to see the ebook on

*My book is currently: #63 in Mystery, Thriller & Suspense > Thrillers & Suspense > Supernatural > Vampires on Amazon USA – whoo-hoo! (Sept 4th, evening.)

bmg sept 4 sales rank

Cyber – Spanish Translation – en Español!

Cyber - cover border Spanish
The first translation of my work into Spanish! It’s my short story Cyber.

El flujo de datos ininterrumpido trae palabras e imágenes juntos en una pantalla. Dos seres dentro de la secuencia de datos: el cibermundo.

Un cuento. Ciencia ficción. Spanish version – en Español. Traducido de la versión original en Inglés.

Buy it directly from me (I get a bigger share of the profits this way and have more control over my work): in ePub and PDF files for $2.99:
Thank you for empowering an independent author!

All ebook formats:

Also find it on Scribd, Oyster, and more.

Amazon version:

iTunes version: coming soon

Kobo version: coming soon

Barnes and Noble version: coming soon


Rescueplan: DUMBs Book 3 released!

Book 3 in my DUMBs series, Rescueplan is now out!

Rescueplan ebook cover

Rescueplan ebook cover

This is the first series I’ve written and I’m having a good time with it. So are the readers, as the series is continuing to gain popularity.

As you may have guessed from the cover (if you are new to the books), this is a sci-fi thriller series, dealing with a Grey alien invasion, and of course, Deep Underground Military Bases (D.U.M.B.s).

The inspiration behind this book series?

Many late nights listening to Coast to Coast AM, since the early days of Art Bell, where he’d have many guests on that talked about aliens and underground secret bases (mostly in the southwest USA desert, like Area 51, but also bases all over the world), like Whitley Strieber, Richard Dolan, Roger Lear, Richard Sauder, and more.

Guests spoke about real life bases and also told some fictional stories. Some spoke about both.

These books take a sampling of the facts that have been made public about D.U.M.B.s and adds some imaginative speculation to create a brand new, wild fictional ride!

You can get Rescueplan – Book 3 as an ePub file directly from me by clicking here.

(I do get a higher royalty rate when you buy directly from me, so consider it, thanks!)

Or, for the Kindle and as a paperback here, on Amazon.

It’s also on all the other major book sites like iTunes, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Scribd, Oyster, Google Play, and Smashwords.

The other books in the series are:

  • Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1
  • Oceandeep: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 2
  • Moonbase – Book 4 is to be released on November 17, 2014 – Pre-order it from Amazon now

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