Why do I write?

I’m sure people wonder why a writer writes. It’s often not for the money, as it’s often tough to make money as a writer (not impossible, and the chances are better today than ever, but still, it can be tough, especially during the first few years to the first decade of professional writing).

To be a writer you’ve got to like being alone and using your imagination. Those were two things I enjoyed from a young age, so no problem there.

You have to love words and reading – again, no problem, as I was reading at a young age and developed a love for words and books that is still with me.

And you’ve got to like to tell stories and get into the world of the characters you write about. That seemed to come second nature to me, so good there as well.

In the end though, ask any dedicated and true writer and they’ll often give you an answer like this: I write because I need to. It’s a creative outlet for us, without which we don’t feel as alive. It can even be a spiritual path and experience – I know I’ve felt that way many times.

I just think writing is a wonderful thing, as is reading; the two go hand-in-hand. It was a natural progression from my love of reading to try my hand as a writer. I’m so glad I did, as it brings me a lot of joy! I’m also glad that others enjoy reading what I’ve written – I’m ever thankful for my readers and hope you will come along on many more tales and adventures with me!

And writing is an adventure for me, too, as I often don’t know where it’s going or how it’s going to turn out until I get to the end. That keeps it entertaining for me as well, so you can’t lose with that!

Blog Post Streak Count: Day 9

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