Immortals bundle


My novel Brainjob is part of the Immortals bundle! Release date: Jan., 31, 2018.

Gods, nymphs, vampires, deathless clones, cursed mages and those who serve them face perils where immortality acts as either curse or blessing or…both. Souls and selves lie at stake in this eclectic bundle.

The Goddess Problem by Sherry D. Ramsey
Glamour of the God-Touched by Ron Collins
A Man and His God by Janet Morris
Unnatural Immortal by Russ Crossley
First Chosen by M. Todd Gallowglas
Walking Gods by Leah Cutter
Rainbow’s Lodestone by J.M. Ney-Grimm
Brainjob by David Sloma
Silver Dust by Leslie Claire Walker
Vale of Semūin by Eric Kent Edstrom
Fate’s Door by J.M. Ney-Grimm
Kaylyn the Sister-in-Darkness by Barbara G. Tarn
The Legend of Oeliana by A. L. Butcher
Jamal & the Skeleton’s Heart by Ezekiel James Boston

Over 2000 pages, for only $4.99 USD!

This Time of Year, Christmas/Holidays, Blade Runner 2049, and Fake Snow

I’m glad it’s a bit cold this time of year around where I live. I don’t think the Christmas/holiday lights would seem the same.

There’s just something about the coloured lights reflecting off snow or a sheen of frost that is magical. It brings to mind those greeting cards with snow scenes on them, the ones where the snow sparkles, or those holiday movies and TV shows where the snowy landscapes seem especially magical.

I once heard an interview with film director Ridley Scott, where he mentioned that he was trying to recreate that effect of twinkling snow of such cards for a film, think it was Legend. Great film, and I’ve yet to see one of the latest that he was executive producer on, Blade Runner 2049. And I’ve not seen Alien: Covenant that he produced and DID direct! So, I’ve got some things to watch over the holidays!

I’ve been slow to see Blade Runner 2049 because he didn’t direct it, nor did Vangelis do the music, and I was a bit disappointed about that. But I’ve heard some music from the soundtrack and it’s quite good, so I’ve reconsidered watching it. Also, I read a comment from Vangelis, about how you can’t recreate what happened before, so that makes sense as to why he didn’t want to be involved. Why mess with perfection? There’s that saying: “A wise man changes his mind, but a fool seldom differs.” I’ll go with that and see the film at some point!

It does sometimes feel like you’re in a movie when you walk around in the winter wonderland that we in these parts are heading into. I like that.


Destroyer: D.U.M.B.s. Book 6 – Now Out!

Destroyer: D.U.M.B.s.(Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 6

As the planet Wormwood/Destroyer gets closer, trailing asteroids, Leon, the General, and Marks struggle to escape from the inner Earth and the Annunaki, who have been awakened by the Lizard People and the tall Greys. On the surface, Mary and Jennie are thrown into the fight of their lives. The ancient “gods” plan to take over Earth in the wake of the chaos and destruction they are bringing.


Good news fans!

Destroyer: D.U.M.B.s.(Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 6 was released Dec., 21, 2017.

You can get it here:



Scribd – link coming soon

24symbols – link coming soon

Inktera – link coming soon

Also on Tolino (no link available), and other smaller sites.

MIB Files: Driller is out!

MIB Files: Driller (Tales of the Men In Black – Book 8)

The latest story in the MIB Files is now out! MIB Files: Driller is available in ebook, soon to be paperback.

When the Men In Black (MIB) show up at a construction site and haul the foreman away, he’s got no idea why, but he finds himself part of a strange situation, fighting for his life. The MIB FILES are stories of the paranormal, strange things, and UFO sightings with one thing in common: interactions with the Men In Black (MIB). These stories are stand-alone and can be read in any order.


More links coming soon.


Gord Downie’s Change of Cosmic Address/Walk Among the Stars


It feels like I’ve lost an old friend, one that I never met.

Like many around here, I grew up listening to The Tragically Hip with Gord Downie singing. His lyrics and delivery have rattled around in my head, and on my lips, for decades.

The Hip’s music (and presence on radio/TV, in papers, and in live shows) has been a constant in most of the land known as Canada pretty much since the mid-1980’s – good thing they were a great band and I happened to enjoy them!

And while their music was international in scope, Gord and the Hip helped show us who we were, that it was OK, even cool, to be us – those of us living on the land called Canada, in the shadow of our much larger neighbour to the south, to whom comparisons were often made. We could more readily appreciate that we had things of our own, wonderful and beautiful things, to be proud of and to celebrate, when Gord and the band held them up for us to see more clearly.

People talk about music being the soundtrack to their lives; for a lot of us, the Hip’s music, with Gord on the mic, was just that.

Now, Gord has changed his cosmic address and is gone to continue his walk among the stars.

He was recently honoured at an Assembly of First Nations with the Indigenous name Wicapi Omani, which is Lakota for “man who walks among the stars” for his work in helping to bring attention and healing to the disgrace and tragedy of the residential schools, and other issues faced by the indigenous peoples of Canada.

The tears might never fully stop, all the time, when we hear his music and remember, but we can laugh as well…Let’s not forget Gord’s great sense of humour! Remember The Trailer Park Boys with him in the Hip video for the song The Darkest One? And the many others times he made us laugh, too!

See you later, Gord, and thanks…for the beauty and a lot more. I’ll be singing, dancing, feeling, and thinking to your words and music for a long time to come.

I know I won’t be alone.

Taken north of Toronto a couple days ago.

#GordDownie #TheHip #thetragicallyhip #GordDowniesCanada

THE SUIT – new short story

THE SUIT by David Sloma

Robotic suits that people wear are all the rage and the hottest status symbol. They make life easier for their owners and a lot more fun! The first problem with the suits is that they are very expensive. Oswald “Wally” Manske, a humble mailroom clerk, saved up for most of his life for a suit and now he’s finally got it. He’s looking forward to his new life of popularity and easy times. The second problem with the suits is that they can be hacked and turned against their owners…A short sci-fi story.

Should be available in your local library as an ebook (and maybe paperback) – if not, then ask if they can get it.

Gumroad (credit cards and PayPal):

Amazon (ebook or paperback):



Google Play:

B&N (ebook or paperback):



24 Symbols:


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MIB Files: Meltdown Liquidator – on Amazon charts!

My short story MIB Files: Meltdown Liquidator went on sale today – thank you to those who bought it on the pre-sale, and you saved yourself some money! It was on special for $0.99, then went up to the regular price of $2.99. If you’d also like to save on my future releases, then join my mailing list at:

Today, it got to #65 in the Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > One hour (33-43 pages) > Science Fiction & Fantasy, see the screen shot, lower right:

Here’s where you can get it:

– And you may find it at some of the other sites, too.