Online’s not perfect

I’ve come to learn over the years that nothing is 100% reliable online. Things happen to put services out, and email doesn’t always get through.

I’ve had people think I am ignoring them if I didn’t respond to their emails within minutes – sometimes I never got the emails. So, I always check in the case of not hearing back from someone, or if it was an important message. Those bits and bytes don’t always make it!

Still, it quite amazing how reliable online services and emails are, given the volume of online traffic these days! I started going online with BBS’s and dial-up modems, and even that was something incredible at the time. Now, the online experience is far more advanced, and we often take it for granted. But it wasn’t always like it is now…

There is now a generation growing up who have always known the World Wide Web and the Internet as we know it today. That’s pretty wild to think about! I didn’t have that for a good portion of my life, so I can clearly see the contrast to now; both pre and post-Internet.

It really is like a different world with the Internet, but one that still has its imperfections. Which is not surprising, as humans are imperfect – or maybe we are perfectly imperfect, just like we’re meant to be.

Blog Post Streak Count: Day 11

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