Got it on loop, legit!
Fire, bb!
Got it on loop, legit!
Fire, bb!
Has it been that long already since poet/musician/author Leonard Cohen passed away? Yes, four years since November 07, 2016. Time flies when you are having fun…
I never met the man, but listened to his music and read his words like so many did, and continue to do. His spiritual search shone through in his work and added a timeless beauty and richness there.
He was a source of inspiration and encouragement to other writers, often writing personal letters to young writers, like he did with me. I plan to get around to scanning that letter and posting it online.
Tonight it’s a candle burning in his memory and honour, and of course, Leonard Cohen’s music in the air.
David Bowie left this Earth four years ago.
Earlier this month, January 10, 2020, marked the fourth anniversary of David Bowie death, his leaving this life behind; he passed away on January 10, 2016. Hard to believe it’s been that long already! Seems he’s always been with us, and always will be…
Bowie was making music before I was born. Like many of my generation, I grew up hearing the music of Bowie on the radio, a constant, dependable thing that would always be there for us, or so we thought. When music videos became popular, Bowie was there too, with his creative visions merging with his sounds. And there were his many memorable roles in films and TV shows, too (Labyrinth and Twin Peaks are two that stand out for me).
One of my earliest memories of encountering a Bowie recording was seeing the video of him singing “Peace on Earth/Little Drummer Boy” with Bing Crosby, done in 1977. It’s been described as a surreal happening, and indeed, I felt it was too; two icons from different eras, together. But despite the strangeness, and how out of place it seemed, the combination really did work well! The single was eventually one of Bowie’s biggest hits. Crosby passed away just weeks after they’d done the duet.
I saw Bowie perform, sadly only once, during his Sound+Vision Tour in 1990. I knew I had to make the effort to see and hear Bowie live! The concert had some startling moments that are still vivid in my mind thirty years later. The visuals were cutting edge at the time; images of Bowie on screens and projections on a huge, transparent scrim went swirling, growing/shrinking, backwards and forwards, and much more. It was mesmerizing! I’d never seen anything like it! The visual effects would go on to influence many concerts of others that I was to see in subsequent years. Also, the dancing of Louise Lecavalier/La La La Human Steps added a lot. The sound, being Bowie, was great, and very precise. However, there was a technical glitch in the show, and it had to be stopped for a few minutes to fix it. But that was fine, as it didn’t last long, and soon the show was back on again, plus we got the bonus of Bowie addressing the crowd because of it.
I read a science-fiction story in a graphic-novel type of magazine in the late 1980’s, it must have been (I believe it was by Ric Veitch in Epic Illustrated, but I’d have to dig out the issue to be sure), and there was a story set in the future. In the story someone was playing music that was stored on little cubes, which was a bit of a new idea back then. One of the cubes had a picture of Bowie on it, and a character in the story referred to it as he played it, saying how dead singers were still the best. That wasn’t true when I first read the story, but it’s true now – funny how things change and also how they stay the same.
But if you know about Bowie, then you’ll also know that he was a very spiritual person and didn’t think death was the end when we leave this world. I like to think that he’s still out there, somewhere. I wonder what he’s up to?
R.I.P. David Bowie (four years on now)
Just heard the sad news today that Neil Peart, drummer and lyricist for the band Rush, has passed away.
I heard the news about Neil on the radio (quite fitting), listening to Neil’s hometown station, no less; there was lots of commentary and playing of Rush songs, and people calling in with memories to share. So, that helped to take out the sting a little, knowing many of us were going through this together, even if physically distant.
I grew up in suburbs and it meant a lot to hear Rush at the time with their song “Subdivisions.” That there was someone out there who could put words and music to my teenage feelings was pure magic and friendship over the airwaves. “The Spirit of Radio,†indeed.
I had the good fortune to see Rush live several times, and it was always an incredible experience! I got to meet Geddy and Alex, and they signed some of my albums, but the Professor remained elusive, as was his way. I did read most of his books, and they gave further insight into what he went through as a public figure (beyond the lyrics of “Limelight”), so it was understandable.
Thanks, Neil, for all the great music and words, you and your work will not be forgotten.
RIP Ghost Rider/Professor
I’m glad it’s a bit cold this time of year around where I live. I don’t think the Christmas/holiday lights would seem the same.
There’s just something about the coloured lights reflecting off snow or a sheen of frost that is magical. It brings to mind those greeting cards with snow scenes on them, the ones where the snow sparkles, or those holiday movies and TV shows where the snowy landscapes seem especially magical.
I once heard an interview with film director Ridley Scott, where he mentioned that he was trying to recreate that effect of twinkling snow of such cards for a film, think it was Legend. Great film, and I’ve yet to see one of the latest that he was executive producer on, Blade Runner 2049. And I’ve not seen Alien: Covenant that he produced and DID direct! So, I’ve got some things to watch over the holidays!
I’ve been slow to see Blade Runner 2049 because he didn’t direct it, nor did Vangelis do the music, and I was a bit disappointed about that. But I’ve heard some music from the soundtrack and it’s quite good, so I’ve reconsidered watching it. Also, I read a comment from Vangelis, about how you can’t recreate what happened before, so that makes sense as to why he didn’t want to be involved. Why mess with perfection? There’s that saying: “A wise man changes his mind, but a fool seldom differs.” I’ll go with that and see the film at some point!
It does sometimes feel like you’re in a movie when you walk around in the winter wonderland that we in these parts are heading into. I like that.
Thank you, Leonard Cohen, from the mourning lovers you consoled with sympathy, the iced hearts you warmed with tears; thank you for the hope you gave to those lost, for showing the way to something more, out of the darkness.
Thank you from your fans (I count myself as one) for your beautiful, truthful music and words, the inspiration you gave to other artists to follow their paths at their heart’s urgings, and to spiritual seekers to follow their soul’s longings. Thank you for the kindness you shared with those lucky enough to cross your path.
I crossed your path, in a way, when I received a personal letter from you many years ago, in response to a book of my poetry I had sent you. That gesture of yours told me a lot about your depth of character and respect for other artists. That you, such an esteemed writer, took the time and effort to respond to me meant a great deal to the young writer I was at the time. And it still does.
I hope you are able to read this now, Leonard, and that you are happy and in a better place. We can play your music and read your words when we miss you, but nothing will ever replace you.
Thank you again for all you gave, and see you around.
-Dave Sloma
I enjoyed this book a lot! Here’s my review in video form:
You can buy it from Amazon.
Kindle ebook:
*Kindle ebooks can be read on any device with the free reader from Amazon.
P. S. Ace’s latest album, Space Invader (released 2014) really rocks and sounds great! If you’ve not checked it out, do yourself a favour and do it now! You can get it here:
Here’s the title track “Space Invader” (studio version):
“Space Invader” (live in Greensburg Pa. 2014):
And can’t forget “Ace Frehley – New York groove (Kiss Solo albums 1978)”!
I just edited this video for the talented singer Rosita Stone. It’s for her new song “Mother to Child” – so, happy Mother’s Day!
A new video I made. Music courtesy of the good folks at the Relaxed Machinery label: