Craigellachie, BC, CPR Last Spike, Rocky Mountaineer rolls by, spring 2024 + memories of past visit

The Last Spike site in Eagle Pass, Craigellachie, British Columbia, Canada, is where the last spike of the Canadian Pacific Railway was driven, on the morning of November 7th, 1885. I was first there in 1986 during a family road trip from Toronto to Vancouver for Expo ’86. We got replicas of the last spike in the “Last Spike Gift Shope” there – still have them!

In the spring of 2024, I was on another long road trip and passed through Craigellachie, so I had to stop! I got this video of the Rocky Mountaineer train rolling in, westbound. It was a lovely day for it, and I did recall being there, many years ago. My Dad worked for the CPR for 42 years, so this visit was especially poignant, as he passed away in 2020.

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Headphones Highly Recommended – Ministry Live in Pasadena, CA. 05-11-2024

Ministry Live at Cruel World 2024 in Pasadena, CA. 05-11-2024 (Full Set)

Pigs can now fly….This is a triumph! Love it, Uncle Al!

It was in August of 1992, on a hot summer’s day on the second Lollapalooza tour, (in Barrie, Canada) when Ministry took the stage, that time-and-space split apart…I’d never heard, or seen, anything like it. I know I wasn’t alone in that perception. I became an instant fan. Sure, I’d heard Ministry singles on the radio, like “Everyday is Halloween”, and danced to them in clubs –  but seeing Ministry live was on a whole ‘nother level.

I went on to scour used record stores for any recordings of Ministry I could find. The early albums I found from the 1980’s were very different from the type of music I had heard that fine day. But I loved the early music, too! It was well-written, masterfully composed and played, and recorded on cutting-edge technology that made it possible – true 1980’s art you could dance to!

As for this show from the Cruel World Festival, I never thought I’d get to hear older Ministry songs performed live, as Al Jourgensen had strongly disowned them numerous times, publicly. I always thought that was a shame, and found that attitude hard to digest, as those early songs are some of his best work; many seem to agree, as evidenced by the positive comments on YouTube to this concert.

I can say that finding the video of this show is a very unexpected pleasure! Wish I had been there! I hope they tour with this stuff (and even expand it more), I’ll be there!

I’ve heard that Paul Barker is going to part of an upcoming Ministry record…wow! Hope it’s true. His presence has been very missed on the serval albums since his departure, since he and Al laid down the breakthrough Ministry sounds. This Ministry “revival” could truly be the gift that keeps giving! New recordings of select old songs on the way, too? Am I dreaming?

To sum up: If you’ve never experienced Ministry live, and you get the chance, I have two words of advice: DO IT!



Great interview with Al Jourgensen and Lyndsey Parker that goes into the how’s and why’s of the new/old music:

2 new videos – Frog songs from May, 2024

It took me a while to get these videos online, let’s just say my new phone is not as “intuitive” as my old phone, so there was a learning curve – plus I was doing some cross-country travelling that distracted me (in a good way).

It’s turning out to be a capable phone that takes decent video, so I’m now using it for most of my videos, after my stand-alone pocket video camera stopped working. I still have my DSLR camera that takes video too, but mostly the phone is more handy.

These videos are from spring of this year, and they are more in my series of “frog songs” videos. Years back, I noticed that frogs can be very loud in the springtime, as they sing to attract mates. I’ve been recording their songs for a while now, see my Youtube channel playlist for more:

And happy September/Fall Equinox today! The times of the day and night are equal today, then tomorrow we head into the first day of fall, as the days get shorter, for the northern folks! I love fall, so been looking forward to the cooler temperatures and leaves changing colours.


Happy mid-summer/solstice

Today is the longest day of the year, and the shortest night, in the northern part of the world. Tomorrow is also a full moon. Heavy vibes. No wonder I’m feeling it.

The regular weather sites and reports call it the “first day of summer” tomorrow, but really, if the days are getting shorter again, it’s actually that summer is half-over. Mid-summer…as in “a mid-summer night’s dream”…

The plants, trees, and critters know it, I’d bet. That the peak of the sun has been reached for this year, and it’s on the way back south again, and with it the shorter days and growing nights.

But that’s ok, I tend to like it a bit on the cooler side.

Saw a rainbow today after a brief “sun-shower”, so it made the solstice extra special.