mp3 and video of last night’s show

Thanks to Vinny Eastwood for having me on his show last night, on American Freedom Radio. In case you missed it, here’s a link to download the mp3 from Vinny’s site. I’m in the 2nd hour:

Vinny has also posted a YouTube video of the show, including the full audio:

I was on for the 2nd hour of the broadcast, starting at about the 13 minute mark in this video:

2nd part:

Trees in Fall

Trees in Fall
Copyright David Sloma, 2012

The trees,
older than me,
are changing colours in this Fall,
they were growing before I was born,
I’ve walked by them so many times,
and still they stand there,
silent until the wind stirs their leaves,
getting ready for another Winter’s sleep,
their drying and dying leaves a breath-takingly beautiful canvas,
that the One paints on,
ever changing,
but I wish it could stay like that always,
with yellow leaves against the blue sky,
and hues of red looking so vivid,
I can hardly believe they are real.

My latest paperback “Deathsun 2012”

My novella “Deathsun 2012” is available in print from and

On the last night of the Mayan calendar, four friends gather in a remote house to wait out “the end of the world” – but they are not alone! Supernatural forces are close by, as the veil between the worlds is thin at this time of universal transformation, and the great battle of Revelation, of good vs. evil, is yet to begin.

Paperback proof of my novella “Deathsun 2012”

The paperback proof of my novella “Deathsun 2012” arrived today and I think it looks great! It’s a glossy cover, so hard to photograph, but here’s a look (click the photos for a larger, better looking version):

I think it came out very well!

It’s available now in paperback from CreateSpace: ( coming soon), and it’s also an ebook (Amazon/Smashwords) and most ebook sites (Kobo, Barnes and Noble, iTunes).