David Lynch photographed for GQ magazine, March 2017
David Lynch, the filmmaker, painter, photographer, fine artist, coffee appreciator, and inner peace/meditation foundation founder is a real inspiration.
Later this month (on May 21st for you Peaks freaks, like me), season 3 of Twin Peaks begins which consists of 18 hours of new episodes, picking up from where the TV series left off in 1991 – about 26 years ago!
This new series is quite a feat for anyone to direct (and co-write, with Mark Frost), and more screen time than many directors have for their entires careers! What an accomplishment for David Lynch! And he’s 71 years old, too! Wow, BOB, wow! (Fans of the show will get that BOB reference.)
The date of 26 years ago also makes the prediction of the character of Laura Palmer in Twin Peaks true, when she said words to the effect of: “I’ll see you again in 25 years” – which was when season 3 was being made.
David Lynch has been a source of inspiration to me for many years, in both my creative endeavours and my life in general. So, thank you David Lynch, and I can’t wait to see the new season of Twin Peaks!
Twin Peaks – Official Series Site | SHOWTIME
The David Lynch Foundation For Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace https://www.davidlynchfoundation.org