Chewy, Gooey, Fruit Things – paperback

The paperback edition of my screenplay “Chewy, Gooey, Fruit Things” is now available!

CGFT CS coverA candy laced with radioactive waste becomes a best-seller, making many sick and earning its makers a fortune. Visiting aliens find it makes a great fuel, but will they help the humans out of their mess? An original, feature length screenplay.

You can get it from Amazon:

And Barnes and Noble:

I may offer a signed version from here in the future.

The Cask Of Amontillado: A modern screenplay of the Poe classic – paperback

The paperback version of my script “The Cask Of Amontillado: A modern screenplay of the Poe classic” is now available!

cask coverIt’s my modern take on Poe’s classic horror story.

A mafia hitman and wine collector, Montressor, gets revenge on his sadistic boss and fellow connoisseur of fine vintages, Fortunato, on New Year’s Eve. A short screenplay by David Sloma. Adapted from the short story “The Cask Of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe. Contains a sample of the first chapter of “Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) Book 1” by David Sloma.

You can get it from Amazon:

Also from Barnes and Noble:

I’ll likely offer a signed copy from here on my site in the future.

Taken Away – Part 3 of 3


Taken Away – Part 3 of 3

Taken Away – Part 3 of 3


The last part of my short story series Taken Away is now available! Bob, the security guard, purchases a bathmat that has a rather strange pattern on it: when he steps on it, a portal opens to another world! Will Bob get home in time for his next shift? Will he get home at all?

Buy from Barnes and Noble Nook
Buy from Apple Books
Buy from Scribd
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Buy from Google Play
Buy from Amazon Kindle
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Buy from Smashwords
About the Book
Look Inside
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Cyber – Parts 1 to 4 ebook

CYBER 1 to 4 ebook cover 2

The ebook of Cyber parts 1 to 4 is now available!

Seamless data flow brings words and images together on a screen. Two beings inside the data stream. Lovers. But what is real? And how will they be together? -Here are all 4 parts of the Cyber series collected in one volume.

Buy the ebook direct from me for instant download. (I retain a larger royalty this way and more control over the distribution of my work. Thank you for supporting an independent writer!):

Get the ebook from Amazon:

More online stores coming soon…