Oceandeep – Book Signing & Launch

I’m having an event this weekend, hope you can attend if you are in the
Toronto area!

Book Signing & Launch

Oceandeep: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases)- Book 2

by David Sloma


Sunday, January 26th, 2014

The Gallery, 115 Birmingham Street, Toronto (Etobicoke). Birmingham @
Ninth, a block west of Islington.

TTC 110 bus stops at the door. Free underground parking (speak to David
when you arrive, please arrive a few minutes early to arrange parking).

Free admission
Free coffee!

If you can’t make the event and would like to buy a copy:

https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00HLWCK3A (other countries, too – check your
local Amazon site)

The first paperback’s arrived today!

D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 3 on the way!

Book 3 in the D.U.M.B.s series is done. I’m editing the manuscript right now, with help from a trusty reader. I’m aiming for a release date next month, so watch for that, fans of the series! I’ll reveal the title a bit later, but want to keep it under wraps for now. So, look for that, and the cover, coming soon!

Greyland selling well

Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1

My novel Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1 is climbing up the charts…it’s at #45,977 Paid in Kindle Store right now (US – Amazon.com)…this is getting significant, when you realize there are -millions- of books for sale there! First book of mine to get this far in the overall Paid Kindle Store. So, thank you readers, and stay tuned for more!

Edit: Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #34,338 Paid in Kindle Store Jan 9, 2014.


Update: March 12, 2017

Tonight on Coast to Coast Am, there’s an interview with author Len Kasten, discussing his non-fiction work Alien World Order about a hidden civilization of Reptilians under the Earth living in tunnels, with maglev trains (and much more)! This is very much along the lines of what I go into with my D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) series of novels.

Mr. Kasten also mentioned David Jacobs (Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity), Robert Moringsky, David Icke, David Paulides, Alex Collier, Stewart Swerdlow, and the late Phil Schneider. If you are interested in what these people have to say, I think you’ll be interested in my D.U.M.B.s novels, too, dealing with many of the same topics, such as: Grey aliens (and other races), UFO’s, breakaway civilizations, shadow governments,  black projects, and more!

Check out Greyland, the first book in my D.U.M.B.s series on Amazon as an ebook or paperback: http://amzn.to/2mz5Pad

Greyland is also at all major ebook stores: list of stores.

Greyland and Oceandeep ebook deals

My novels “Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1” and “Oceandeep: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 2” are on special pricing at the moment!

Greyland is on a Kindle Countdown Deal (for those on Amazon.com) for the ebook, from now until Jan 13, which means the price has dropped really low, and will increase in increments until the 13th, when it’s back to its regular selling price. This is a great way to start the series with Book 1 at the reduced price! http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FK2A8AA

For those in the UK, the ebook of my novel Greyland is on a Kindle Countdown Deal right now – great savings! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FK2A8AA Runs until Jan 15th, but shop quickly for the best price!

Then, Oceandeep, Book 2 in the series, is on a special release-week price of $3.99 on Amazon.com for the ebook until tomorrow, when it goes up to $5.99. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HLWCK3A



Oceandeep: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 2


Book 2 in the series is now out!

Ebook: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00HLWCK3A

Paperbook: http://www.amazon.com/Oceandeep-D-U-M-B-s-Underground-Military-Bases/dp/1494854961

Oceandeep continues the story of civilian contractor Leon Verdat who finds himself working under duress for a black ops military group battling Grey aliens from their secret D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) around the world.

The group needed his skills building underground tunnels and were prepared to stop at nothing to get his co-operation. Fearing for his life, his family, and his business, he agreed to work for the group. It may be a decision he lives to regret. If he lives.

There’s an underground war being waged against the Greys who are kidnapping vast numbers of humans for unknown purposes and Leon’s in the thick of it. He’s already been wounded in a previous battle with the Greys and it’s not over yet.

He’s about to learn that not all D.U.M.B.s are under the ground: some are under the sea.

Greyland on a Kindle Countdown Deal for Amazon UK and US

The Kindle Countdown deal on my novel Greyland expires Jan 13th for those using the US Amazon site! So, grab it now if you want to save some $ – it’s on for $2.99 right now, but on the 13th it goes back to regular price: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00FK2A8AA

For those shopping on Amazon.co.uk, until Jan 15th: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00FK2A8AA

*You don’t need a Kindle to read these ebooks, Amazon provides free software!

My novel Brainjob currently at 89 of the top 100 on Amazon.com for Best Sellers in Cyberpunk Science Fiction

Love it! Check it out:


BJ 89 SF
Buy Direct From Me:

Brainjob ePub ebook  – instant download, credit card billing: https://gumroad.com/l/YRcoP(not currently available- just from Amazon at this time)

Brainjob paperback signed – mailed to you in USA/Canada,  credit card billing: https://gumroad.com/l/sUza

Online Stores
Smashwords multiple ebookformats : http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/62568 (not currently available- just from Amazon at this time)

CreateSpace Paperback: https://www.createspace.com/4008438

Amazon Kindle ebook and paperback: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1479392960
*Kindle ebooks can be read on ANY computer with the free Amazon reader software.

Also available from Apple iTunes, Barnes & Noble,  Kobo, Scrollmotion, Scrbd, Oysterbooks, and more. (not currently available- just from Amazon at this time)

Read sample chapters: https://davidsloma.com/?p=1024

For more info, go to the Brainjob page.

Writing, Editing, and Blind Spots: Human Autocorrect


I recently put a new novel of mine up on Amazon.com called “Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1.” The book was written a few months ago, but was left to “age” for a time, as I worked on part 2 (now complete, and being edited), and part 3 (nearing completion).

Stephen King recommends putting a manuscript away for a while after you finish it, in his book “On Writing.” I think that’s good advice, as it gives you some time to take a look at your work from a more objective viewpoint, once the initial glow of creation has worn off some (if it’s even possible to look at your own writing objectively).

I doubt that a writer can look at their own work objectively, and thus it’s a very good idea to have another person read it over prior to publication. They will catch things the writer has missed, be they typos, grammar mistakes, or story problems. But, every writer is a bit different, and will have different needs in an editor and/or proofreader.

Getting my most recent book up online, I was working against a self-imposed deadline of October 1, 2013, as I want to have a launch party for the book around Halloween. I found an art gallery to hold the launch party in, and locked in the date of October 26th, which meant that I’d have to get the book not only finished, but copies printed for the party! This left me with about 3 weeks to get any bugs ironed out of the final editions and have the copies printed and shipped to me. I glad I left enough time, because, despite careful editing of the manuscript before launching it live as an ebook, and submitting the files for the print edition, I’ve found a few typos, words left out, and other little word-shockers!

I don’t know how I missed some of these errors the third, or even fourth pass through the manuscript; nor do I know how my first reader/proofreader missed them! We’ve developed a theory that humans must have “autocorrect” when they read, and the mind fills in what it wants to be there, as opposed to what is actually there many times. It’s even worse for the writer, as they know what the text should be, and often read it like that, no matter what is really in the text!

I find typos and words left out all the time in the work of others; in best-selling and classic books from major publishers, newspapers, and magazines. It seems that few are immune from these errors, and they are darn hard to banish 100%!

We’ve been going through my book again, and have found that editing with a much larger font than usual tends to help the mistakes to jump out. We`re determined to catch and correct every last one of them! No typo left behind! I`m so committed to ridding my work of errors that I`ve taken to putting an offer in the back of my books that states I will provide a free copy of any of my books to anyone who lets me know of a typo they have found in my work!


-This blog post has been sponsored by Grammarly, plagiarism checker online. If you’re a prolific writer, you know how hard it is to remember everything you’ve ever written. Use Grammarly, before you plagiarize yourself!