Category Archives: making a positive difference
Go Electric Music Festival in support of electric trains in Toronto
I attended the Go Electric Music Festival yesterday in support of electric trains in Toronto. It was a great time!
Lots of good music, fun and positive people looking for an electric alternative to 400 diesel trains a day roaring through heavily populated
parts of Toronto.
I will have video online soon of the Festival, so check back.
See their site for more info and what you can do: http://www.cleantrain.ca
Interview I heard with The Cove filmmakers on Democracy Now! via Toronto college radio station CIUT
I heard an interview on CIUT, one of our local college radio stations here in Toronto, carrying a Democracy Now! interview with some members of The Cove filmmaking team, director Louie Psihoyos and activist Ric O’Barry. The Cove documentary won an Oscar in 2010, exposing mass dolphin killing and the filmmaker’s dolphin rescue efforts. The information they shared was very moving, such as: dolphins name their young, as the mother gives each one their own unique sound!
One of the men featured in The Cove is Ric O’Barry. Ric used to capture dolphins for use in TV shows (like Flipper) and amusement parks. He told how one of the dolphins used in the Flipper TV show committed suicide and died in his arms (dolphins have been known to stop breathing and kill themselves when in captivity, or when they are being hunted and are surrounded). After this perspective-changing experience, he stopped capturing dolphins and started saving them and working to release them back to the oceans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ric_O%27Barry
The Cove documentary:Â http://www.thecovemovie.com
Democracy Now! site where you can watch/listen to/or read the interview (from which the audio I heard was taken from) http://www.democracynow.org/seo/2010/8/16/filmmakers_activists_try_to_save_dolphins
The annual dolphin slaughter happens each September…unless the world wakes up…
Car that runs on water
The Japanese company Genepax invented a car that runs on water…2 years ago! Where is this car now?
oil eating microbes can clean up oil spills in weeks
Check out this video of existing, proven technology. Microbes that eat oil can clear large oil spills in a matter of weeks, including not only oil still in the water, but oil that has settled on land.
Oil spill "vacuum cleaner" from Kevin Costner and his brother’s company to be used in the Gulf!
A few years ago, actor Kevin Costner and his scientist brother perfected a centrifugal “vacuum cleaner” device that can purify the water from oil spills. Their technology has already been used in an oil spill in Japan. Coster spent $24 million of his own money on the venture. They are working to get permission to use their devices right now in the Gulf.
Let’s hope this works!
Latest News: They have sold 32 of their oil recovery machines to BP to that will clean and recycle 6 million gallons of water a day! The machines will be deployed in the Gulf as soon as they can get them made!
Gulf Oil Spill – Ways to help
What can we do about this disaster? If close by, perhaps direct help. If not close by, then prayer and donations of money and support.
There’s a list of ways you can donate funds to relief organizations and wildlife rescues here: fieldnotes.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2010/05/01/2291388.aspx
May the Gulf area recover from this, and with loving care, thrive even better than before in the future.
Please send your healing intentions and prayers to Alex and Allyson Grey
Alex and Allyson Grey are going to make a full recovery, but they were involved in a serious accident, recently.
I’ve had the opportunity to meet them both a couple of times at CoSM events and even had the honour to do some video work for them (see the work I did for them here: http://cosm.typepad.com/cosm_blog/2009/06/index.html and here: http://www.cosm.org/donate.html).
You can read their blog for the full story of the accident: http://cosm.typepad.com/cosm_blog/2010/03/grateful-to-be-alive.html
Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery.
New video I made online – From the U2 FanFest InTOtheHeart – Elevation with U2’s “Even Better Than The Real Thingâ€
Check it out http://rockinfilms.com/blog.htm