THE SUIT – new short story

THE SUIT by David Sloma

Robotic suits that people wear are all the rage and the hottest status symbol. They make life easier for their owners and a lot more fun! The first problem with the suits is that they are very expensive. Oswald “Wally” Manske, a humble mailroom clerk, saved up for most of his life for a suit and now he’s finally got it. He’s looking forward to his new life of popularity and easy times. The second problem with the suits is that they can be hacked and turned against their owners…A short sci-fi story.

Should be available in your local library as an ebook (and maybe paperback) – if not, then ask if they can get it.

Gumroad (credit cards and PayPal):

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John Oswald OCAD Talk Oct. 2010 – part 5/5

He’s a pioneer of sampling and the audio cut-up with Plunderphonics, most famously with the Michael Jackson reworking of Bad – “Dab”, Negativland, U2, William S. Burroughs, etc.

I caught his talk in Toronto in October 2010, at the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD).

Sorry for the bad audio, as it was noisy in there and he was not lav’d.

More of my videos:

John Oswald OCAD Talk Oct. 2010 – part 3/5

He’s a pioneer of sampling and the audio cut-up with Plunderphonics, most famously with the Michael Jackson reworking of Bad – “Dab”, Negativland, U2, William S. Burroughs, etc.

I caught his talk in Toronto in October 2010, at the Ontario College of Art and Design (OCAD).

Sorry for the bad audio, as it was noisy in there and he was not lav’d.

More of my videos:

Canzine today and John Oswald talk

Canzine was fun today! It was packed! And, hot! I met some cool new people and got to catch up on my favourite zine Ghostpine! It’s a real work of art in my opinion. I’ve been reading it for years and got to meet Jeff Miller, the author of Ghostpine today and get a bunch of back issues! I got to hang out with Liz Worth as well (see our video blog from Canzine, coming soon). And, I sold one copy of my chapbook “Like Eden After Rain”…better luck next time, I suppose. Though, the last time I had a table at a show I also sold one copy…hmm…

Also, I caught the John Oswald (of plunderphonics infamy) talk at OCAD this afternoon. Great stuff!

Check back soon for some video that I shot of both events. Oh, and Halloween is one week away!

iJustine on the "cyberBarbie" or videoBarbie doll

The end must be very nigh now…See the new Barbie doll that has a video camera in the necklace, a screen on its back and its own Barbie video editing software! CyberBarbie! VideoBarbie! Is the TerminatorBarbie far behind?

This is a far cry from the Barbie destruction and torture experiments that I know many of us fondly remember from our childhoods.

I wonder when iJustine is getting her own camera and screen installed! 😉 It would make her vblogging a breeze!


Apple iPad held by Steve Jobs

The iPad, the latest wonder from Apple sure looks tasty! They are not on sale yet, but I’d love to try one out, so Steve Jobs, if you are reading and you want me to review one, just send one over! 😉

As a writer and filmmaker, I can see many uses for this new piece of gear for myself.

Anyone used one yet?