Saving my rotting cactus 9/9 – Cactus update Oct 8 2015

The main cactus is growing new bulbs, again!

(See my YouTube channel for more

Buy my book 3 years in the making: “Saving My Rotting Cactus” (ebook or paperback) and most other ebook sites.

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New D.U.M.B.s book coming soon!

Hi Readers,

I just wanted to let fans of my D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) series know that the 3rd book is just about ready! The cover art is done…why don’t I post it here?


As you can see, the new book is called Rescueplan, and if you’ve read the first two books in the series, you’ll know why! If you haven’t read those books, then read them before book 3, as the story is a serial, or as I like to say, a cliffhanger from book to book! The cover was done, once again by – tell her I sent you!

I’m also hard at work on book 4 in the series, so there is more to come!

And, if you sign up for my New Release Email Alerts, you’ll be first in line when my new books come out, and will get notice of special offers. Sign up via this direct link:

Thanks for reading,

July 7, 2012

Wow, has it really been over a month since I’ve posted here? Not that I’ve been idle – far from it!

I’m continuing to write, a few different things at the moment. I’ve finished a short story, but not sure when it will be out, as my current priority is finishing the novelization of my original screenplay “Deathsun 2012”. It might be a good idea to get it out before the end of 2012, I reckon…

We’ve been going through a heatwave here in Toronto lately, or maybe it’s just that we are moving into a new “normal” – I guess we’ll see!

In other news, RUSH is on tour! And, Leonard Cohen, too! What a year it’s going to be for concerts! SEE THEM ALL BEFORE THE WORLD ENDS! (Just kidding, the world is not going to end in 2012 – despite what some of my stories may say! ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s the New Age of Aquarius coming – out with the old, in with the new; the cycle turns, again.)

Stay cool,