I made a video talking about Heinlein’s Rules for writers, as people sometimes ask me how to be a writer. Some good advice here, in his rules:
Author Archives: David_Sloma
Book Bundles? For short stories…?
I put one of my short stories in an ebook bundle to see how it would do: The Science Fiction Summer Shorts Bundle: https://davidsloma.com/the-science-fiction-summer-shorts-bundle/
$20,000 (CND) computer!
Looking at the new Mac Pro, which comes to about $20K Canadian funds when you max it out and get external storage. Why would anyone need such a machine? I’ll tell you why!
Hundreds of Jack O’ Lanterns
A video I took last fall:
Over 200,000 views!
My YouTube channel now has over 200,000 views! Moving up! Check out it if you haven’t: https://www.youtube.com/user/RockinFilms/featured
In the Woods, Fall 2016…
Getting caught up on posting some videos. Here’s one from last fall:
See my YouTube channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/user/RockinFilms/videos
“Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said” by Philip K. Dick – Book Report – PKD
Writer/filmmaker David Sloma tells what he thinks about the book “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said” from renowned sci-fi master storyteller Philip K. Dick.
Buy “Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said” on Amazon: http://amzn.to/2jC0jDL
You can find Dave’s books at https://gumroad.com/wls and also most online stores.
RIP Carrie Fisher
For those who’ve been there from the start in 1977, you’ll recognize this card.
I’m saddened out today. #ripcarriefisher
Leonard Cohen’s Change of Cosmic Address
Thank you, Leonard Cohen, from the mourning lovers you consoled with sympathy, the iced hearts you warmed with tears; thank you for the hope you gave to those lost, for showing the way to something more, out of the darkness.
Thank you from your fans (I count myself as one) for your beautiful, truthful music and words, the inspiration you gave to other artists to follow their paths at their heart’s urgings, and to spiritual seekers to follow their soul’s longings. Thank you for the kindness you shared with those lucky enough to cross your path.
I crossed your path, in a way, when I received a personal letter from you many years ago, in response to a book of my poetry I had sent you. That gesture of yours told me a lot about your depth of character and respect for other artists. That you, such an esteemed writer, took the time and effort to respond to me meant a great deal to the young writer I was at the time. And it still does.
I hope you are able to read this now, Leonard, and that you are happy and in a better place. We can play your music and read your words when we miss you, but nothing will ever replace you.
Thank you again for all you gave, and see you around.
-Dave Sloma
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Book review
My video review of the
book, from which the film Blade Runner was based:Get the PKD book from here: http://amzn.to/2dYhCHm
The first book “The Blade Runner” by Alan E. Nourse: http://amzn.to/2f0psmf