Wormwood: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 5

A short video talking about my recently publicized novel Wormwood: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 5.

Ebook live now (paperback coming soon).

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Are D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) real?



By David Sloma www.davidsloma.com
© Copyright 2016 David Sloma. All rights reserved.
This text may not be sold or reproduced without written permission. Please link to it.)

I was asked recently where I got the idea for my series of novels set in D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases).

I had to respond that it’s because I heard about these things and they’re real! I find them fascinating! What better place to set a sci-fi adventure action story in?

I’ve long had an interest in hidden things…and those things hidden under our feet may be the most fascinating of all!

For many years, I’ve been a fan of the radio late at night, getting scared listening to spooky topics on Coast to Coast AM, from way back in the Art Bell days—the original host and creator of the show. One of the frequent topics on the show was, and still is, secret underground military bases, or D.U.M.B.s.

And Grey aliens invading the Earth!

I took these two subjects and put them together in my series of novels, starting with Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1. Yes, the title is a nod to the secretive military base known as Area 51 in the Nevada desert, nicknamed “Dreamland.”

Area 51 is officially denied to exist, even though many people have been there and seen it, claim to have worked inside it, and have taken photos of it (which have been posted online). Dreamland has long been rumored to be a testing ground for exotic, experiential aircraft, and even UFOs (both human-built and alien crafts that have been captured) and a repository of Grey aliens, some maybe alive, some maybe stored in freezers stories below the desert sand, where who-knows-what goes on…

Dreamland is also the name of another radio show that Art Bell started, currently hosted by Whitley Strieber. Strieber was one of the first authors who wrote about his experiences with Greys (see his book Communion).

There are a number of underground bases that have been publicly admitted to exist in the USA by official sources, such as:

  • Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, Virgina
  • Cheyenne Mountain Complex, Colorado
  • Colorado Springs – NORAD, Colorado
  • Under the White House, Washington, D.C.
  • Camp David, Maryland
  • DIPEF underground facility, Kansas
  • Raven Rock Mountain Complex, Pennsylvania

This is only a partial list of verified, publicly-known underground bases. Imagine what bases exist in secret, all over the world!

And not only under the ground, but under the sea! It boggles the mind when you start to think about it.

One of the first people to break the story about real underground and undersea military bases, and probably the first to write about them, was Richard Sauder. His impressive, documented research into their existence has resulted in a series of factual books. His initial book Underground Bases and Tunnels: What is the Government Trying to Hide? was published in 1996.

He has told the tale in radio interviews of how he followed the paper trail of publicly available, non-classified documents, and gathered evidence that proves that these bases do exist. Take a look at his excellent work if you want to learn about the real world of underground and undersea bases.

Writing about these sort of bases, being in the mindset of them, and aliens, for weeks at a time gave me the chills!

If you like this sort of thing, I invite you to give my books a try, starting with Greyland: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 1 http://amzn.to/2bOON2U

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The weather here today


It’s about 35C here today.

The weather here today:

Going outside is like slipping into a Hot Fudge Sunday – that’s boiling!

Being outside today is like a preview of Hell.

Stepping outside is like falling into a bowl of hot soup, without the croutons (those are the hail that comes from the thunderstorms at this time of year – yikes!).

Stepping outside is like walking into a hot towel – nice if you want a free sauna.

Going outside today is like being in a giant’s armpit.

Going outside today is like being in the sun’s armpit.

(More to come as I think of them…)

Finished a new novel

I finished a new novel today, always a good feeling!

Now, I’m going to let it sit for a short while before correcting typos and getting it formatted. Stephen King recommends this in his book On Writing, and I think it’s a good idea. I was doing this before I read about it from King, but it’s nice to get confirmation of this.

This book is a stand-alone title (so far, with no plans for a sequel at present). It’s a paranormal-mystery-action type of story. I don’t want to say too much about it yet, until it’s ready to be published. It’s about 40,000 words.

Next, I’m going to get back to writing the 6th book in my D.U.M.B.s series, which I’ve already made a start on.

Tips for being a writer

From time to time I get asked for writing advice; I’m sure every writer who’s been doing it professionally for more than a few years does.

Read and follow Heinlein’s Rules. Not as easy as they seem! Check out the book about them by Dean Wesley Smith and read his blog, too.

Also, read Hugh Howey’s blog and in particular this post “So You Want to be a Writer…

Stephen King’s book On Writing is another good resource of information and inspiration.

I think a lot of what these folks say is good advice, and I follow most of it.

Wormwood: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 5 Published

The prophecies call the returning planet “Wormwood” and it’s making an orbit near Earth after thousands of years, trailing asteroids that will cause mass destruction. A secret military group prepares to launch a counterstrike to avert the catastrophe in space before it reaches Earth. Meanwhile, an ancient alien threat comes back to life deep below the Earth’s surface, deeper than even the deepest D.U.M.B.s. This is Book 5 in the continuing series, so be sure to start with Book 1: Greyland

Wormwood: D.U.M.B.s (Deep Underground Military Bases) – Book 5 by David Sloma.

Release date: June 30, 2016.

Ebook live now (paperback coming soon):

You can also buy the ebook right from me via Gumroad! I like to sell my work from there, as I get better royalty rates than other distributors and more control over how I distribute my work. They are available in the formats: EPUB, MOBI, PDF and there is a Send to Kindle function. Thank you for supporting an independent writer! https://gum.co/MSunN







Lewis Vella’s Change of Cosmic Address

lewis vella BW










Lewis Vella’s Change of Cosmic Address

By David Sloma

June 21, 2016


I just found out that Lewis Vella died. Over two years later.

I was just thinking about him the other day. Now, I find that he’s another local writer who died suddenly at a young age, another friend passed on.

I prefer to say Lewis has passed on, or changed his cosmic address…those terms seem more fitting for his artistic soul, and I don’t think it’s the end when our soul departs from this plane, anyway.

The terms we use to describe what has happened to him are not that important. A friend, and an inspiration has moved on from this life, leaving us missing him. It was a shock to me to learn he was gone.

I’m glad that some of his family and friends have left messages on his on Facebook page (which is how I found out), talking about their memories of him, and even still wishing him a happy birthday years after he’s gone—some of them are even now departed themselves. If that’s not love, and missing someone, I don’t know what is!

Here’s something of my memory of him.

I saw an orange VW bus the other evening parked in downtown Toronto while walking with a friend, enjoying the warm June weather, and it made me think of Lewis Vella. I wondered if it was his bus. I had lost touch with him over the last couple of years, and he had often crossed my mind, certainly every time I saw a similar bus.

I had remarked to my friend that the VW looked like one a writer I knew had, and I recounted how Lewis would sell his own books out of his camper at the side of the street. That we were walking around some of the neighbourhoods that Lewis used to frequent made his memory in my mind even more vivid.

I hoped that I would run into Lewis again now that the summer weather was here; a good time for sitting in the VW with the door open, his books on display, talking to who might pass by and dispensing his unique perspectives on life that were like medicine for a world gone insane in many ways.

I first met Lewis in the Annex many years back, when he was sitting in his VW parked by the side of Bloor Street outside Lee’s Palace. I was intrigued by this character and his books, and by his spirit. I got the feeling of artistic and life freedom from him, this unique soul in his bus with his books, going where the winds of inspiration would take him next, then writing it down for us to ponder later.

I got some of his books and enjoyed them (Mutant Migrant is a favourite, and with a title like that you can’t go wrong!), and it was a great thing to be able to buy them right from the author in his bus and get them signed! Where does that happen? Back then, as an aspiring writer myself looking for a way to get published, Lewis was a revelation and an inspiration. We had interesting conversations, both on the bus and in local cafes, about writing and everything under the sun.

I listened to his tales about how he had left the advertising world behind because his heart was no longer in it, to live his life on his own terms and to be a writer. That he self-published and sold his work himself sent a clear message to me that there was another way to artistic fulfillment than begging on the doorsteps of the traditional publishing industry with my manuscripts in hand, hoping to win their lottery.

I admired his freedom, attained by following his own path and having control over how his writing was published and distributed. Nowadays, self-publishing is not nearly the dirty word it was back then, but back then he was one of the few writers I had met who had the guts to put out their own work. It was also way before the rise of ebooks and the Internet sites to sell them on, so then it was either go the traditional publishing route (and hope) or do-it-yourself and spend the money to do so; it was not easy.

But here was someone self-publishing and making a go of it! It was possible! And right in front of my eyes. In short order I began self-publishing my own writing, placing it for sale in local bookstores (it sold!), and inspired by Lewis, no doubt, even taking a spin at selling my books on the street—and I even sold some there, too! (I’ve yet to get a VW bus, but you never know…)

Lewis Vella was one-of-a-kind in the best sense. He had wisdom about life and art that was gained by hard experience. He shared that wisdom freely when you asked for it. His thoughts will live on in his writing, and I’m glad we have his art.

Thank you, Lewis, for being an inspiration and a friend. I wish I could have seen you again and spent more time talking with you. I guess I’ll see you around, eh? Because we’re still in this big, wild, universe together, whatever form we’re in…so I’m sure I’ll see you again. Maybe you’ll even get to read my writing. Tell me what you think? Do you like what those writers Forrest Ackerman and Phil Dick are doing, sending messages from the Other Side? Maybe you’ll do the same one day? (See the books An Atheist In Heaven, and Philip K. Dick: The Dream Connection.)

Perhaps it’s fitting that I found out about Lewis’s change of cosmic address today, one day after the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, as now the days are getting shorter again, and we are going back into the dark time of the year. But when I thought of Lewis the other evening, after spotting that orange VW bus, the days were still growing longer and filling with more and more light—I’d like to remember him that way.

I was blessed to have met Lewis and to have read his books, bought right from him and autographed in his bus. You can still read his work and be blessed too, by his wit, insight, life-lessons, and heart.

For the last few years whenever I’ve seen an orange VW bus I’ve thought of Lewis Vella, and I know I’ll continue to do so.

Goodbye Lewis, see you around.


-David Sloma